2017 – Soft Transition to Hydrogen Economy to sustain the development on the Earth: the planetary techno-economic strategy


The nutricola index N.I. = economically exploitable discovered energy reserves, mean consumptions x year measures measures the time lenght duration of the energy reserves; high values of N.I. correspond to stable price of the energy produced (electricity, fuel). In this work the author presents the techno-economic analysis of planetary hydrogen economy, substitute of the present F.D.E. (Fossil Derived Energies economy), whose probable exhaustion date is around the year 2100. To substitute 85% of F.D.E., now consumed, to sustain the next future economy and to correct the climatic effects, that is 12 billion TEP/y, the necessary hydrogen volume is 47000 billion NCM/y. The electricity to produce the NCM electrolitic hydrogen is 231000 KWhe/y, derived by the proliferation on the earth of 45 million MWe of thermoelectric convertors, or 92 million MWep of light-wind solar energy convertors. To these have to be added all the facilities to transport and store the hydrogen produced. An unexpected discover of this analysis is that silicates safe materials are the fuel consumed by light-wind convertors in a planetary proliferation, being all the other material used 100% recyclable. The results of the analysis, whose confidence index is 80% are the following:

– renewable hydrogen economy has a time duration of 20 million centuries, the prices of the fuel decreasing under 0.2 USD / NCM

– the necessary investment to have the planetary hydrogen economy 100% operative is 229000 billion USD, but its cost is 0 USD (the in-out balance presents a perennial positive cash surplus)

– the planetary hydrogen strategy (P.E.S.) requires 125 years (five consecutive periods 25 years each) to have 100% operative the hydrogen producing system.

Author: Prof. Roberto Visentin

 2017 – Soft Transition to Hydrogen Economy to sustain the development on the Earth

 2017 – Soft Transition to Hydrogen Economy to sustain the development on the Earth